Supporting its research, CIROH works with the consortium members and partners and the Alabama Water Institute to deliver a diverse portfolio of education, outreach, and engagement activities. CIROH’s programs aim to inspire the next generation of water professionals, strengthen the higher education system across disciplines connected to water prediction, and advance workforce capabilities in hydrologic forecasting research and operations.
CIROH Annual Science Meeting
CIROH hosts its annual Science Meeting in Fall, at The University of Alabama. The Science Meeting aims to review and advance the research agenda for CIROH and strengthen the translation of research into practice.
CIROH Developers Conference
CIROH hosts its annual Developers Conference in late Spring, at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. The conference aims to develop a community of practice around CIROH’s research and development activities. The conference will be in-person only.
NWC Summer Institute
The National Water Center Innovators Program Summer Institute is a seven-week experiential learning program that brings graduate students together with academic researchers, other professionals, and National Water Center staff. Since the first Summer Institute in 2015, more than 180 students have participated in the program, which continues to play an important role in advancing the National Water Model and water prediction in the United States.
CIROH hosts the HydroLearn workshops every summer. HydroLearn is an education project funded by the National Science Foundation to promote the collaborative development and adoption of active-learning resources in hydrology and water resources engineering. CIROH’s HydroLearn workshops are open to anyone wanting to learn how to develop learning modules on research to operations in hydrology related topics. There is a multi-session workshop scheduled during the CIROH Developers Conference and a virtual workshop scheduled for early June.
Visiting Scholars Program
CIROH sponsors an annual Visiting Scholars Program that brings the world’s top hydrologists and water forecasting researchers to The University of Alabama to interact with scientists and practitioners at the National Water Center in Tuscaloosa. The goals of CIROH’s Visiting Scholars Program are to address a short-term research or education objective of interest to CIROH and the scholar, increase collaboration across the CIROH consortium, build relationships between the world’s leading water researchers and scientists and practitioners at the National Water Center, and enhance research to operations and operations to research translation.
CIROH Monthly Webinar
CIROH hosts a monthly webinar where consortium members meet virtually to listen to operations professionals to help keep CIROH aligned on its mission of research to operations and actionable water intelligence. Recordings of these webinars are hosted on CIROH’s YouTube channel.
Research Experience for Undergraduates
CIROH seeks undergraduate students to assist in machine learning and process-based modeling for water predictions, addressing big data challenges, and understanding climate change’s impact on water systems. CIROH is also developing cyber infrastructure, open-source tools, and data visualizations for policy support.