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Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology

Cross-cutting Workshops

This track includes cross-cutting workshops proposed and organized by the CIROH community and which do not align with only one of the other tracks. Workshops in this track include: using HydroLearn to support collaboration in developing, adapting and adopting educational material across universities teaching hydrology and water resources engineering applicable to operational hydrology; CIROH cloud infrastructure and AWS use case to overview the use of CIROH cloud and in premise infrastructure; Data Workflows 101 on the acquisition, manipulation and visualization of input data required for models; Working with National Water Model data in Amazon Sagemaker; Getting your model ready for NextGen with BMI; Introduction to GitHub; and others still being developed.

Cross-cutting Workshops

CIROH Cloud Infrastructure and Case Studies
(Cross-listed with the NextGen Track)

Day 1 Session 1

Arpita Patel
James Halgren
Purushotham Bangalore
Jeff Carver

The objective of this workshop is to delve into the P29 case studies conducted on CIROH Cloud for NextGen related applications. Attendees will be provided with an overview of the CIROH Cloud on on-premise Infrastructure and glean insights from practical cloud and on-premise case studies. Please note that this is not a hands-on workshop; rather, it is focused on presentations and understanding CIROH IT Infrastructure. PIs are encouraged to join this workshop. This will cover information about CIROH DocuHub ( as well. Existing PIs using cloud and on-premise for their project will come and present for 5-10 mins eac

Getting your data into the input format required by your model is one of the most labor-intensive tasks in computational modeling. And for those of us that aren’t skilled programmers, it’s also one of the more difficult. And then, your PI wants to change datasets or study area, or even the model you are using, and you have to change hundreds of lines of code and throw out all that good work… or do you? This workshop is designed to help attendees think about how to build data processing workflows and create a modular structure for their code to improve code maintainability and flexibility for different datasets, areas of study, analyses, visualizations, and even different models. Along the way, we’ll demonstrate a toolbox worth of Python modules such as pandas, GeoPandas, Xarray, Matplotlib, HoloViews, and Google Earth Engine to help attendees acquire, manipulate, and visualize their data.

Working with National Water Model data in Amazon SageMaker and demo of Amazon BedRock (AI tool)
(Cross-listed with the Machine Learning Track)

Day 1 Session 2

Scott Hendrickson
Savalan Naser Neisary
Eric Christensen
Arpita Patel

This workshop will explore foundational aspects of Amazon SageMaker as well as some advanced features. Participants will be provided AWS accounts where they will be hands-on deploying, training and running inference on models using NWM data.

The workshop will also include a demonstration of Bedrock AI.

Get your model ready for NextGen with BMI
(Cross-listed with the NextGen Track)

Day 1 Session 2

Keith Jennings
Nels Frazier

The Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework (NextGen) uses the Basic Model Interface (BMI) to control model run time and pass data from one model to another. Although NextGen is model-agnostic, any model plugged into the framework must have a complete, functional BMI implementation. In this workshop we will overview the basics of how NextGen utilizes BMI and detail its important functions, and we will demonstrate how to take a simple Python model from its initial state of being non-BMI-compliant to its finished, NextGen-ready state with BMI. We will discuss the importance of modularization and separation of concerns so you can apply the lessons from this workshop to your own model.

Introduction to GitHub

Day 1 Session 2

Jeff Carver
Sepehr Karimi

Distributed, collaborative development requires use of appropriate infrastructure. The GitHub platform is one of the most widely used. This workshop focuses on the basics of using git with GitHub. The workshop will cover some of the most useful git commands. The workshop will also provide an overview of how GitHub it supports collaborative development. There will be a hands-on portion for the workshop where attendees can interact directly with GitHub to implement the content learned in the workshop.

Enabling collaboration through data and model sharing with CUAHSI HydroShare
(Cross-listed with the Hydroinformatics Track)

Day 1 Session 2

David Tarboton
Tony Castronova
Irene Garousi-Nejad
Furqan Baig

CIROH research necessitates collaboration, data and model sharing, easy to use, generally accessible, shareable computing, and working together as a team and community. The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) HydroShare platform enables best (FAIR, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) practices for data sharing and collaboration, and for improving reproducibility and reusability of research outcomes, through sharing and publishing both the data and models and analyses that underpin research findings. This workshop will provide information on using HydroShare for collaboration and data and model sharing in CIROH, including links between HydroShare and CIROH computing.

Roundtable: Enhancing Social and Coupled Natural and Human Science in CIROH Training

Day 2 Session 1

Asim Zia

Coming Soon

This brief lunchtime workshop will show you how to quickly retrieve current and historical National Water Model short range, medium range, and long range forecasts from a new and exciting Google Cloud Big Query database using a custom REST Application Programmer Interface (API) developed by CIROH researchers. If you are frustrated downloading and processing NetCDF files to extract forecasts for your hydologic features of interest, you will love the simplicity of using this new API and database. We will give a few simple examples that you can test on your computer in a Google Colab python notebook while enjoying your conference lunch.

Introduction to HydroLearn

Day 2 Session 2

Melissa A. Gallagher
Emad Habib
Courtney DiVittorio
Irene Garousi-Nejad
David Tarboton
Cat Maiorca

HydroLearn is a platform to support collaboration in developing, adapting and adopting educational material across universities teaching hydrology and water resources engineering. With many students engaging in CIROH research and many CIROH institutions enhancing their courses to prepare these students for CIROH research, there is an opportunity to collaboratively share expertise and educational content. This workshop will introduce attendees to the HydroLearn platform and pedagogical approach. Participants will examine existing modules and learn how to they can be adapted to suit their training needs.

Roundtable: R2O – transitioning your CIROH advances into operations by NWS

Day 3 Session 1

Fred Ogden

This roundtable aims to host discussions about new advances through high technical readiness level project outcomes with operational potential.  We’ll discuss identification and demonstration of these advances and how PI’s can work with CIROH R2O and NWS personnel to push through to operational testing.

Roundtable: Feedback and Ideas Toward DevCon 2025

Day 3 Session 2

Sagy Cohen

Discussion about lessons learned from this year’s conference and potential modifications and additions for next year.

Roundtable: Discussion of Innovative Ideas for CIROH’s Approaches to Education and Training

Day 4 Session 1

Lanna Nations
Steve Burian

Coming Soon

Roundtable: CIROH Office Hour: Ideas, Recommendations, Concerns

Day 4 Session 2

Steve Burian

Coming Soon